Rendering Content

Because a position can contain any type of content type, we need to render each piece of content according to its type.

There are two ways you can render the content, one is via the template tag render_position_content, the other way is to call the render method of the PositionContent Functions.


Out of the box, rendering a piece of content will default to template positions/render/default.html. You can create content type specific templates in this same directory to act as defaults to that content type, for example:

        + blog__blog.html
        + blog__entry.html
        + default.html
        + stories__story.html


We assume the POSITION_COMBINE_STRING is set to its default of __ (double under score), for these examples

These templates are now the default content type specific templates that will be used instead of default.html.

If certain positions should be render differently than others you can create folders with the positions name, such as:

        + my_position/
                + default.html

Just like before you can specify content type specific templates within the position:

        + my_position/
                + blog__blog.html
                + blog__entry.html
                + default.html

If the same position is used for multiple sections you can add a suffix when using the render_position_content

{% render_position_content pc with suffix=custom %}

This will then look for a template with the suffix custom, for example:


If none of these meet your needs, you can specify a completely custom template:

{% render_position_content pc with template=/myapp/positions/my_customtemplate.html %}

Template selector

Here is the template list that is built in order to select the right template for the content being rendered

1. <custom_template_path>
2. positions/render/<position_name>/<app><combine_string><model><combine_string><suffix>.html
3. positions/render/<position_name>/<app><combine_string><model>.html
4. positions/render/<app><combine_string><model>.html
4. positions/render/<position_name>/default.html
5. positions/render/default.html

Example List, before django.template.loader.select_template is called


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